Important note about Shifts data
When a Shift begins (according to its start time), it's archived as a WorkLog (and thus deleted as a Shift). WorkLogs contains attendance info, among other things.
** Shift **
Shift data
Attribute | Value type | Description |
uuid | str | Shift UUID |
start_dt | str(isoformat) | Start datetime, in iso-format |
end_dt | str(isoformat) | End datetime, in iso-format |
jobtype | dict(jobtype) | Jobtype |
ending_shift | bool | Shift is an "ending/closing" shift |
owner | dict(member) | Owner |
location | dict(location) | Location |
display_date | str(isoformat) | Display date (can be the date before start_dt - see note) |
planned_break | int | Planned break (in seconds) |
status | str | Status (Allocated, for sale or empty) |
note | str | Note on the shift(optional) |
planned_shift_duration | int | Planned duration, minus break (in seconds) |
** Endpoint: shifts/ **
Returns all shifts for the specified account (50 at a time).
Limited to 50 objects per page. In the response dataset; 'total_count' will be the total number of available objects. To fetch the next 'page' you can use the url in the 'next' param. Likewise you can use the url in the 'previous' for the previous 50 objects.
Available filters
Use simple GET params for the filters. Chain filters if you want;
- start_date (in iso_format; YYYY-MM-DD) Return all shifts with a start date greater than(or equal) to the specified date
- end_date (in iso_format; YYYY-MM-DD) Return all shifts with an end date less than(or equal) to the specified date
- owner (member.UUID) Return all Shifts belonging this this Member
- location (location.UUID or "false") Return all Shifts belonging this Location. ~~Or filter by Shifts not belonging to a location~~*
- jobtypes (jobtype.UUID) Return all Shifts that matches this Jobtype; You can filter by multiple jobtype UUIDs by comma-separating them, will then return if a Shift matches one of the provided jobtypes.
Use the GET param 'ordering' to sort the returned shifts. You can order by 'location', 'start_dt' & 'end_dt'. ordering can be chained aswell. Like so; "-location,start_dt", "location,-start_dt" etc.
* all shifts now belong to a location. Previously the initial shifts on an account did not belong to a location for various reasons(technical debt and poor decisions years ago); A new "initial" Location has been added for these shifts. See 'Locations'. using "false" in the location filter will now return shifts assigned to this new location. This means that nothing has changed in way the data is returned, but now all shifts belong to a location.
Example response:
response = {
'total_count': 77,
'next': "<UUID>/shifts/?limit=50&offset=50&ordering=start_dt",
'previous': None,
'results': [{
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'start_dt': '2021-03-27T14:00:00',
'end_dt': '2021-03-27T20:00:00',
'jobtype': {
'title': 'Chef',
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'ending_shift': False,
'owner': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'first_name': 'John',
'last_name': 'Doe',
'initials': 'JD',
'is_admin': True,
'user_type': 'active',
'alive': True
'location': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'title': 'Warehouse',
'alive': True,
'is_hidden': False
'display_date': '2021-03-27',
'planned_break': 0,
'status': 'Allocated',
'note': '',
'planned_shift_duration': 21600
//(49 more...)
example 2: All Shifts for a specific owner matching either one of two different jobtypes:<UUID>/shifts/?owner=UUID&jobtypes=2345,2346
Important notes
- uuid is not set in stone for Shift objects. They can change if a schedule is bulk edited through the planning-tool. When a Shift is archived(see description above) as a WorkLog, then it will receive a new UUID aswell.
- start_date and end_date filter are for the date upon which the shift is displayed in Smartplan. A shift start starts friday at 24:00 and ends saturdat at 03:00, is displayed friday and will not be returned by a filter that filters by saturday(although the shift is technically a saturday shift) So, In general; be aware of shifts crossing midnight when using the date filters; the filters are for when the shift starts, not when it ends.
- If you want to return all shifts on a specific date, then you have to filter by that date as both start_date and end_date, since start_date works as "greater than or equal to" and end_date works as "less than or equal to"
** Endpoint: shifts/UUID/ **
Returns the data for the specified shift
Example response:
response = {
'results': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'start_dt': '2021-03-27T14:00:00',
'end_dt': '2021-03-27T20:00:00',
'jobtype': {
'title': 'Chef',
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'ending_shift': False,
'owner': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'first_name': 'John',
'last_name': 'Doe',
'initials': 'JD',
'is_admin': True,
'user_type': 'active',
'alive': True
'location': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'title': 'Warehouse',
'alive': True,
'is_hidden': False
'display_date': '2021-03-27',
'planned_break': 0,
'status': 'Allocated',
'note': '',
'planned_shift_duration': 21600
** Worklog **
Worklog data
Attribute | Value type | Description |
uuid | str | Worklog UUID |
planned_start_dt | str(isoformat) | Planned start datetime, in iso-format |
planned_end_dt | str(isoformat) | Planned end datetime, in iso-format |
planned_break | int | Planned break duration (in seconds) |
planned_shift_duration | int | Planned shift duration, minus break (in seconds) |
attendance_start_dt | str(isoformat) | Attended end datetime, in iso-format |
attendance_end_dt | str(isoformat) | Attended start datetime, in iso-format |
attendance_break | int | Attended brea duration (in seconds) |
attendance_breaks_specified | None/list[datetime sets] | If break is specifed(could be from punchclock), then the breaks will be here in sets of datetimes(isoformat) |
attendance_status | str | attended/not_attended |
attendance_edit_status | str | "not_changed": no changes from the planned data. "changed": has unapproved changes(could be from punchclock events). "confirmed": all changes confirmed by an admin. |
attendance_shift_duration | int | Attended shift duration, minus break (in seconds) |
jobtype | dict(jobtype) | Jobtype |
ending_shift | bool | Worklog is an "ending/closing" shift |
owner | dict(member) | Owner |
location | dict(location) | Location |
display_date | str(isoformat) | Display date (can be the date before start_dt - see note) |
planned_break | int | Planned break (in seconds) |
note | str | Note on the Worklog(optional) |
edit_message | str | Edit message on the Worklog, when editing attendance(optional) |
** Endpoint: Worklogs/ **
Returns all worklogs for the specified account (50 at a time).
Limited to 50 objects per page. In the response dataset; 'total_count' will be the total number of available objects. To fetch the next 'page' you can use the url in the 'next' param. Likewise you can use the url in the 'previous' for the previous 50 objects.
Available filters
Use simple GET params for the filters. Chain filters if you want;
- start_date (in iso_format; YYYY-MM-DD)
- end_date (in iso_format; YYYY-MM-DD)
- owner (member.UUID) Return all WorkLogs belonging this this Member
- location (location.UUID or "false") Return all WorkLogs belonging this Location. ~~Or filter by WorkLogs not belonging to a location.~~
- jobtypes (jobtype.UUID) Return all WorkLogs that matches this Jobtype; You can filter by multiple jobtype UUIDs by comma-separating them, will then return if a WorkLog matches one of the provided jobtypes.
* all WorkLogs now belong to a location. Previously the initial shifts on an account did not belong to a location for various reasons(technical debt and poor decisions years ago); A new "initial" Location has been added for these WorkLogs. See 'Locations'. using "false" in the location filter will now return WorkLogs assigned to this new location. This means that nothing has changed in way the data is returned, but now all WorkLogs belong to a location.
Use the GET param 'ordering' to sort the returned shifts. You can order by 'location', 'planned_start_dt' & 'planned_end_dt'. ordering can be chained aswell. Like so; "-location,planned_start_dt", "location,-planned_start_dt" etc.
Example response:
response = {
'total_count': 77,
'next': "<UUID>/worklogs/?limit=50&offset=50&ordering=planned_start_dt",
'previous': None,
'results': [{
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'planned_start_dt': '2021-03-23T14:00:00',
'planned_end_dt': '2021-03-23T20:00:00',
'planned_break': 0,
'jobtype': {
'title': 'Chef',
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'ending_shift': False,
'owner': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'first_name': 'John',
'last_name': 'Doe',
'initials': 'JD',
'is_admin': True,
'user_type': 'active',
'alive': True
'location': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'title': 'Warehouse',
'alive': True,
'is_hidden': False
'display_date': '2021-03-23',
'attendance_start_dt': '2021-03-23T14:00:00',
'attendance_end_dt': '2021-03-23T20:00:00',
'attendance_break': 0,
'attendance_breaks_specified': None,
'attendance_status': 'attended',
'attendance_edit_status': 'not_changed',
'note': '',
'edit_message': '',
'attendance_shift_duration': 21600,
'planned_shift_duration': 21600,
//(49 more...)
Important notes
- start_date and end_date filters are for the date upon which the shift/worklog is displayed in Smartplan. A worklog start starts friday at 24:00 and ends saturdat at 03:00, is displayed friday and will not be returned by a filter that filters by saturday(although the worklog is technically a saturday worklog) So, In general; be aware of shifts/worklogs crossing midnight when using the date filters; the filters are for when the shift/worklog starts, not when it ends.
** Endpoint: worklogs/UUID/ **
Returns the data for the specified Worklog(archived Shift)
Example response:
response = {
'results': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'planned_start_dt': '2021-03-23T14:00:00',
'planned_end_dt': '2021-03-23T20:00:00',
'planned_break': 0,
'jobtype': {
'title': 'Chef',
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'ending_shift': False,
'owner': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'first_name': 'John',
'last_name': 'Doe',
'initials': 'JD',
'is_admin': True,
'user_type': 'active',
'alive': True
'location': {
'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
'title': 'Warehouse',
'alive': True,
'is_hidden': False
'display_date': '2021-03-23',
'attendance_start_dt': '2021-03-23T14:00:00',
'attendance_end_dt': '2021-03-23T20:00:00',
'attendance_break': 0,
'attendance_breaks_specified': None,
'attendance_status': 'attended',
'attendance_edit_status': 'not_changed',
'note': '',
'edit_message': '',
'attendance_shift_duration': 21600,
'planned_shift_duration': 21600,