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**Jobtype data **

Attribute Value type Description
uuid str Jobtype UUID
title str Title
alive bool Is the Jobtype active(alive) or deleted

** Endpoint: jobtypes/ **


Returns all jobtypes for the specified account

Limited to 50 objects per page. In the response dataset; 'total_count' will be the total number of available objects. To fetch the next 'page' you can use the url in the 'next' param. Likewise you can use the url in the 'previous' for the previous 50 objects.

Available filters

Use simple GET params for the filters.

  • alive (True/False) Filter jobtypes by wether they are deleted or not.
Example response:
response = {
  'total_count': 3, 
  'next': None, 
  'previous': None, 
  'results': [
    {'title': 'Chef', 
     'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
     'alive': True}, 
    {'title': 'Waiter',  
     'uuid': '1234-1234-1235',
     'alive': True}, 
    {'title': 'Cleaner',
     'uuid': '1234-1234-1236',
     'alive': True}

** Endpoint: jobtypes/UUID/ **


Returns the data for the specified jobtype;

Example response:
response = {
  'results': {
    'title': 'Chef',
    'uuid': '1234-1234-1234',
    'alive': True,